Gen Matvéyev — personal site

Hi, my name is Gen Matvéyev, I'm a frontend developer.

I enjoy creating useful and understandable digital products that help clients improve their business and make their users happy.

About me


6 years in web development. I started as a Ruby on Rails developer, then I switched to the frontend: React, React Native, Ember, Elm, and Stimulus.

2 years in teaching. I taught JavaScript, HTML and CSS at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and at the HTML Academy.

3 years in product design. I helped INEX Digital to create an office management system on iOS, Android, and web. Сo-founded a compact design studio.

👯‍♀️ I value teamwork. I worked in corporations, startups and directly with clients. I prefer to work as part of a small asynchronous team without micromanagement.

🚀 I value effectiveness and attention to detail. I believe a product launched on time is more important than an ideal code.

👨🏻‍🔧 I enjoy functional programming, clean code, understandable UX and aesthetically pleasing design.

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Selected works

An example of my work


An educational resource for aspiring entrepreneurs from Strelka. I worked mostly on the frontend, but also got the chance to try Django.

React, Redux, Django

An example of my work

Hennessy X.O

Developed a web-store with a shopping cart, checkout process and an admin panel for the Hennessy's promo company.

Ruby on Rails, Turbo, React

An example of my work


Developed a web-store with a shopping cart, checkout process and an admin panel for a rubber wholesaler.

Ruby on Rails, Turbo, Stimulus

An example of my work


A guide to the exhibition of contemporary art artists in London. Written in Vue.


An example of my work


An application for finding restaurants by food photos.

React, Redux, Scala

An example of my work


Business website and an admin panel for an investment company.

Ruby on Rails, React